Southern Cross Alpine Lodge

SCAL Booking Procedures and Booking Conditions

These Booking Conditions ARE SUBJECT TO FURTHER CHANGE, especially for the 2025 snow season
NOW  PLEASE SUBMIT all booking REQUESTS NOW for through till the January 2026 LWE 
11 October 2024  PBS Member Only 2025 Snow Season Extra Early Booking Allocations commenced 
15 October 2024  PBS Member Only 2025 Snow Season Extra Early Booking Allocations closed 
29 November 2024  PBS Member Only 2025 Snow Season Early Booking Allocations commenced 
13 December 2024  PBS Member Only 2025 Snow Season Early Booking Allocations closed 
1 January 2025  Annual Membership Fees due January ‑ discounted rates apply if paid by 28 Feb 2025
21 February 2025  Snow Season Booking Allocations re‑open for members and non‑members 
By requesting & subsequently confirming Southern Cross bookings, members & guests acknowledge they have read & agree to our Terms of Booking Agreement & to all other conditions set out on our website in particular :
  Aims & Objectives of Southern Cross Alpine Lodge Making & Confirming a Booking including Payments
  Booking Payments Required to Confirm Bookings Changing or Cancelling a Booking
  More Detailed Booking Allocation Process Preferential Booking System Entitlements & Priorities
  Getting to Smiggin Holes & Southern Cross Further Information for Snow Season Guests

Terms of Booking Agreement

By booking at Southern Cross, members and guests Acknowledge & Agree to the following :
1) Southern Cross’s Aims and Objectives as set out below.
2) Southern Cross does not accept any liability, as set out in more detail at, in respect of any claims arising out of or in any way connected with the use of or staying at its facilities.  Members and guests are responsible for their own liability and travel insurance, including cancellation insurance.  Also see
3) These Booking Conditions may be amended at short notice
including that accommodation rates are subject to change, even for already paid accommodation.
4) Southern Cross does not currently mandate vaccinations and does not require guests to provide negative COVID test results.  However, Southern Cross strongly recommends vaccinations including for COVID‑19 and influenza.  In consideration of all Southern Cross guests, guests are asked not to arrive at Southern Cross if unwell, especially with any flu type symptoms or if they have tested positive to COVID‑19, and may be asked to leave early if they become ill during their stay.
5) Our‑information.
6) As set out below in more detail, booking requests are not confirmed until invoiced full payments are received, cancellation and booking change fees (including forfeiture of up to all fees paid) apply, and bookings may lapse if payments are not made by the dates advised in booking invoices.
7) Southern Cross provides husband/wife married couple, family, and shared male & shared female accommodation, with share bathroom facilities.  Single room occupancy is usually not available & may attract a surcharge.
8) Southern Cross staff and directors cannot provide supervision of children.  Children under age 18 must be booked with and under the control & supervision of a parent or another authorised adult, with children under age 12 always being directly supervised by a parent or another authorised adult.
9) Arrive at and leave the lodge at the times agreed with the Booking Coordinator and lodge staff, and to let our staff know of any change in expected arrival time – especially if arriving late for the evening meal on the first day.
10) Advise our Booking Coordinator of any dietary requests for each guest, including whether these are medically diagnosed restrictions, and re‑confirm these with our staff on (02) 6457 5252 ahead of your stay.  NOTE THAT Southern Cross cannot be totally nut or gluten free and may not be able to meet all dietary requests.
11) Act cooperatively with our staff and other guests during your stay, and contribute to the lodge community life.  Respect and care for the lodge property and equipment, and for other guests’ rights to proper rest and sleep.
12) Smoking is not permitted and no alcohol or illegal drugs are to be brought onto the property.
13) Pets are not permitted at the lodge or anywhere in the National Park – this is a NPWS requirement.

Aims and Objectives of Southern Cross Alpine Lodge

(based on Clause 3A of the Company’s Memorandum of Association)
** To encourage the enjoyment of God’s good things through activities that the high country affords, such as bushwalking and cycling, along with the challenges of skiing & snowboarding.
** To provide a venue & social environment within which we can experience a happy, caring relationship with others within the lodge, & where the Holy Spirit may use us to be a blessing to one another.
** To provide stimulus & encouragement for personal growth in Christian discipleship, by encouraging all our members and guests to use a clear Bible‑based, systematic teaching program with appropriate discussion.
** To provide facilities & produce an atmosphere, in which people may hear the gospel & be challenged to receive Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour & Lord.
** To encourage all involved with the lodge to maintain a positive Christian lifestyle on the snow fields, so that others may be attracted to Christ.

Making and Confirming Bookings including Payments

1) Please request booking(s) by completing and submitting BOOKING REQUEST FORM(s).
If you have any booking or other question about Southern Cross please contact us by email or phone.
2) Subject also to our More Detailed Booking Allocation Process and our PBS Entitlements and Priorities, requests are considered in order of receipt.
3) Every effort is made to accommodate your first preference but this is not always possible as our lease is for 25 beds (including staff) – so please ensure that you include alternative preference(s) in the Additional Comments section of your Booking Request(s).  If necessary, a ballot is conducted for equal priority bookings.
4) Rooms are allocated with consideration to the needs of the whole group, including our need to maximise occupancy.  Single room occupancy is usually not available and each family usually needs to share one room.  Actual room allocations cannot be advised ahead of arrival – allocations will be on the noticeboard in the entrance foyer once rooms are ready (usually by 2.00pm).
5) Bookings are not confirmed until paid, and may otherwise lapse.
For further details, refer to the following Booking Payments and Changing or Cancelling sections.

Booking Payments Required to Confirm Bookings

1) A booking offer invoice will be emailed to you when the Booking Coordinator offers you a booking.  Each booking offer invoice includes the due date for full payment, as well as for any deposit payable by an earlier date.  No booking request is confirmed until the invoiced full payment or deposit is received.
2) Payments are by Internet EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) or over the counter at Westpac – full details of how
to pay are included in your invoice.  Due to the extra costs involved, we cannot accept credit card payments.
3) A further confirmation invoice/receipt is usually emailed to you once payment has been received.  Please check
with our booking coordinator if you do not receive this booking confirmation, or if you have any questions
Except for short notice bookings, no other form of communication is recognised as booking confirmation.
4) Bookings may lapse if payments are not made by the dates advised in booking invoices,
and the beds may be offered to someone else.

Changing or Cancelling a Booking

A $75 administration fee applies to all cancellations or booking date changes.  In addition, if less than 2 months’ notice is given,
and the bed(s) are not rebooked, all fees (less than 1 months’ notice) or 50% of fees (between 1 and 2 months’ notice) are forfeited.
Please consider effecting Travel Insurance including Cancellation Insurance – various insurers may be located via the Internet.
Also see

More Detailed Booking Allocation Process

Outside of snow seasons, per, Southern Cross offers catered and self‑catered accommodation,
with Southern Cross member priority being per our detailed PBS Entitlements & Priorities.
For the 2025 snow season, three Booking Allocation Windows apply per the following windows A, B;& C :
A) PBS Member Only Special Extra Early Booking Allocation Window applied from Friday 11 till Tuesday 15 October 2024 –
PBS Participant 7 & 14 nights Saturday to Saturday booking requests ONLY in terms of paragraphs (1) & (2) of
our detailed PBS Entitlements & Priorities, AND which were received by Tuesday 15 October 2024, were processed in order of receipt,
except that requests received up till Friday 11 October were treated as though received at 11.59pm on 11 October 2024 AEDT.
B) PBS Member Only Early Booking Allocation Window applied from Friday 29 November till Friday 13 December 2024 –
PBS Participant booking requests ONLY in terms of paragraphs (1) & (2) of our detailed PBS Entitlements & Priorities,

AND which also satisfied the following C (1) to (8), AND which were received by Friday 13 December 2024, were processed in order
of receipt, except that requests received up till Friday 29 November were treated as though received at 11.59pm on 29 November 2024.
C) Remaining PBS Member, as well as Non-Member, Booking Allocation Window from Friday 21 February 2024 onwards –
Other requests which satisfy the following (1) to (8), subject also to Southern Cross detailed PBS Entitlements & Priorities, will be processed
in order of receipt, except that requests received up till Friday 21 February are treated as though received at 11.59pm on 21 February 2025 AEDT.
1) June Long Weekend bookings need to include at least 3 nights within Friday 06 to Monday 09 June inclusive.
There may also be availability before Friday 06 June, especially if Perisher opens lifts early.
2) For Monday 09 till Tuesday 17 June inclusive, bookings need to be a minimum of 2 nights [18 to 20 June is fully booked].
3) For Saturday 21 to Friday 27 June inclusive, bookings need to be a minimum of 3 nights.
4) For Saturday 28 June to Friday 26 September inclusive, only 7 and 14 night bookings arriving Saturday departing Saturday are available, at least initially.
5) Saturday 27 September to Thursday 23 October inclusive is a 6 night only booking period, unless adding the October LWE.
6) October Long Weekend bookings need to be 3 or 4 nights from Friday 03 October.
7) Availability from Tuesday 07 October may depend on whether Perisher extends lift operations,
although it can be a good time for cross country skiing, snow shoeing and walking.
8) PBS Participant bookings for up to 27 June 2025 inclusive do not affect member priority and member rate booking entitlements for 28 June onwards.
Snow season booking requests that do not satisfy the above booking allocation process rules can be submitted and are wait‑listed for later consideration at the discretion of Southern Cross directors.
Note that, unless fully covered by PBS entitlements, group booking requests (eg for 18 or more people) would usually only be available in Low Season periods outside of NSW school holidays.  In some circumstances our directors may accept and confirm group booking(s) earlier than February 2025.

Preferential Booking System (PBS) Entitlements and Priorities

Subject to the above Booking Allocation Process, including the special rules for certain 2024 snow season booking requests
received by 15 December 2023, the minimum booking periods, and the notes further below, bookings are allocated in the following order :
1) Class 1 PBS Rules (rules 3.2.1 & 3.2.2) initial entitlements
2) Class 2 PBS Rules (rule 4.2) initial entitlements
3) Class 1 additional allocations
4) Class 1 further additional allocations
5) Class 2 further additional allocations
6) “Friends Using PBS Entitlements” allocations
7) Non‑Member request allocations
Note that :
i) PBS participant booking entitlements are suspended whilst any membership fees or levies are outstanding.
ii) A PBS participant's entitlements per (1), (2) & (3) above can be used by his/her spouse, and/or by his/her immediate children.
iii) Class 1 & Class 2 initial entitlements per (1) & (2) above are 14 PBS Member Participant rate bed nights per PBS participation for the participant and accompanying family & friends.  So, for example, a couple who hold 2 PBS participations between them could book either 1 person for 28 nights, 2 persons for 14 nights or 4 persons for 7 nights.
    A family which has two Class 1 or three Class 2 PBS participations has a minimum of 7 Member rate nights entitlements in respect of each parent and each of their immediate children aged up to age 18.
    If a family has just one Class 1 PBS participation, then the two parents may book 7 Member rate nights each, but their children to age 18 rank with Class 2 participants & are charged full Non‑Member Guest rates.
iv) Class 1 additional allocations per (3) above are a further 14 Member rate bed nights per PBS participation, or (for a family with two Class 1 participations) 7 Member rate nights in respect of each parent and each of their immediate children aged up to age 18.  There is no corresponding Class 2 additional allocation.
v) Class 1 & Class 2 further additional allocations per (4) & (5) above are one person, including the PBS participant or his/her spouse and/or his/her immediate children, per PBS participation per night at Member rates for the length of the booking, with any additional persons at full Non‑Member Guest rates.
vi) PBS participants who have not used all their PBS initial entitlements may nominate friends to use their initial 14 nights
per PBS participation entitlements (unaccompanied by the participant) at Friends Using PBS Entitlements rates.

Click here to open a Southern Cross Alpine Lodge BOOKING REQUEST FORM.